Sunday, February 4, 2007

The First of its kind.

Hey people!! Finally we got this thing started. Kudos to Rishi and Swapna and for the ideas, and ofcourse to me for starting this. Which ofcourse is natural, given the Genetically Advantaged Youth that I am.
Anyways coming to the point, everytime you find something in here that you like, you shall throw your hands up towards the sky and yell 'Satyam you are the best! Satyam i bow to you!'. Over and over again.
[PS: I will not be responsible of bailing you out if you get arrested for such a behavior. Anyways, if you just blindly do anything i say, you had it coming.]

Ok ok coming to the point. This Blog is all about Bill Watterson. Which may or may not include anything related to C&H. This is a multi authored blog and if you have some good images to contribute, you will be given the authorship rights and post'em up! Ofcourse, your content need not be images at all!

Anyways, I'll put in the first one... one of my faves... its even on the door of my appt. Just so that people coming in know what to expect. I especially love calvins deliberate actions in this one. And ofcourse watterson gets the credit of putting in something not necessarily 'politically correct' but something absolutely natural.